Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle, 624 Store & 32 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 402 p/kg for a Saler Heifer scaling 655 kilos from W S Garson, […]
Forward on Monday were 4 Prime, 2 Store & 11 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 403 p/kg for a Simmental scaling 650 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, Sandwick […]
Forward on Wednesday were 213 Breeding Sheep, 924 Prime, 277 Store & 330 Cast Sheep. Breeding Sheep topped at £265 for a pair of Texel Ewes from Yeldabreck, Burray. […]
Forward on Monday were 8 Prime Cattle & 13 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at a record breaking 411 p/kg for a Simmental scaling 605 kilos from W S […]
Forward on Monday were 4 Prime, 742 Store & 31 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 392 p/kg for a Charolais Steer scaling 595 kilos from Yarpha, Orphir realising […]
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