Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 301 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 585 kilos from B & B Omand, Stembister, Toab realising £1760 purchased by […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 5 Prime, 380 Store & 13 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 304 p/kg for a Limousin Steer scaling 625 kilos from B & B Omand, […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 7 Prime & 1 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 288 p/kg for a Limousin Heifer scaling 595 kilos from J Stevenson, Midhouse, Evie realising £1713 […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 4 Prime, 579 Store & 19 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 305 p/kg for a Simmental Heifer scaling 605 kilos from B & B Omand, […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 6 Prime, 6 Store & 12 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 298 p/kg for a Limousin Heifer scaling 625 kilos from Laga Farms, Evie realising […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 644 Store Cattle & 22 OTM Cattle.Records were absolutely smashed in Kirkwall as the Unhaltered Champion from Rowan Donaldson, Redland, Stromness fetched an outstanding £6100 for […]

Special Sale

Grass Lets 2023Region 1 Land £116.97 - £92.26Region 2 Land £15.73 + £0.72The Annual Grass Lets took place on Monday, 17th April, when all lots forward sold much cheaper than […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 8 Prime Cattle & 2 OTM Cattle. Prime Steers topped at 316 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 565 kilos from Vestrafiold, Sandwick realising £1785 purchased by […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 8 Prime, 572 Store & 10 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 319 p/kg for a Limousin Heifer scaling 610 kilos from J & J Fraser, […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 8 Prime Cattle & 2 OTM Cattle. Prime Steers topped at 324 p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus scaling 630 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, Sandwick […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 5 Prime Cattle, 546 Store Cattle & 21 OTM Cattle. Prime Steers sold to 320 p/kg for a Stabaliser scaling 545 kilos from S W Paterson, […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 4 Prime & 9 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 328 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 595 kilos from B & B Omand, Stembister, Toab realising […]