Sheep Sale

Forward on Saturday were 412 Breeding Male & Female Sheep. Suffolk Champion was Lot 1. A Shearling show by G & S Heddle, Westfield, Stromness. Reserve Champion was Lot 16. A Ram Lamb shown by G & S Heddle, Westfield, Stromness. Well done to first time judge Colin Sinclair. Hill Type Cheviot Champion was Lot […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle, 16 Store Cattle, 20 OTM Cattle & 168 Breeding Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 261 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 575 kilos from J & R Stanger, South Seatter, Sandwick realising £1500 purchased by Donaldsons. Prime Steers topped at 260 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 625 kilos from […]

Sheep Sale

Forward on Wednesday were 528 Prime Lambs, 881 Store Lambs & 358 Cast Sheep. Prime Lambs averaged 205.1 p/kg (+1p) SQQ Lambs averaged £205.8 p/kg (+2.7p) Lambs per head averaged £96.89 (- £0.36) Prime Lambs topped at 222.4 p/kg for a pair of Speckled Faced lambs scaling 49 kilos from S Strange, Breckmyre, Shapinsay realising […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle & 16 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 264 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 545 kilos from J & R Stanger, South Seatter, Sandwick realising £1438 purchased by Donaldsons. OTHER PRIME HEIFERS South Seatter,Sandwick 590 £1,551 263 CHYarpha,Orphir 535 £1,337 250 CH Prime Steers topped at 246 p/kg […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 6 Prime Cattle, 412 Store Cattle and Fostered Calves & 68 OTM Cattle. Prime Cattle topped at 259 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 565 kilos from A T Rendall, Old Hall, Stromness realising £1463 purchased by E Flett. Steer Calves averaged 241.2 p/kg and topped at 283.9 p/kg for 3 Simmentals […]

Sheep Sale

Forward on Wednesday were 1098 Prime, 747 Store & 417 Cast Sheep. Prime Lambs averaged 221.8 p/kg (-1.3p) SQQ Lambs averaged 220.2 p/kg (-1.7p) Lambs per head averaged £102.96 (- £0.07) Prime Lambs topped at 241.5 p/kg for 4 Beltex Scaling 47 kilos from T & J Leslie, Quoymorhouse, Shapinsay realising £113.50. OTHER LAMBS PER […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 5 Prime, 2 Store, 32 Breeding & 18 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers topped at 271 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 615 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, Sandwick realising £1666 purchased by E Flett. Prime Steers topped at 264 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 595 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, […]

Special Sale

CHRISTMAS PRIME STOCK SHOW & SALE Orkney Auction Mart's Christmas Prime Stock Show & Sale was held today, Friday 25th November. Well done to all who joined us and make today a great success. There were more Cattle entries this year and a similar number of Lambs forward.Forward for sale were 12 Prime Cattle and […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward for sale on Monday were 17 Store Cattle & 20 OTM Cattle. Store Steers topped at 255 p/kg for 3 Simmental Calves scaling 286 kilos from A Jamieson, Belmont, Unst, Shetland realising £730. Store Heifers topped at 243.9 p/kg for a pair of Simmental Calves from A Jamieson, Belmont, Unst, Shetland realising £700. Top […]

Cattle & Sheep Sales

Forward on Monday were 8 Prime, 1 Store & 22 OTM Cattle. Prime Heifers sold to 276 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 590 kilos from J & R Stanger, South Seatter, Sandwick realising £1628 purchased by Williamsons. OTHER PRIME HEIFERS Midhouse,Evie 505 £1,318 261 LIMCloke,Dounby 580 £1,450 250 SAL Store Cattle sold to £1270 for […]

Cattle Sale

Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle, 413 Store Cattle & 63 OTM Cattle. Prime Steers sold to 262 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 580 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, Sandwick realising £1519 purchased by Williamsons. Store Steers averaged 245 p/kg (+19.6p on the year) and topped at 282.6 p/kg for a Limousin scaling […]

Sheep Sale

Forward on Wednesday were 833 Prime Lambs, 614 Store Lambs & 167 Cast Sheep, Prime Lambs averaged 219.4 p/kg (-5.7p) SQQ Lambs averaged 217 p/kg (-9.5p) Lambs per head averaged £98.39 (- £6.03) Prime Lambs topped at 244 p/kg for 3 Texels scaling 50 kilos from J M Lennie, Nearhouse, Tankerness realising £122. OTHER LAMBS […]

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