Forward on Monday were 7 Prime Cattle, 35 Breeding Cattle, 673 Stores and Fostered Calves & 43 OTM Cattle.
Prime Cattle topped at 315 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 600 kilos from J & R Stanger, South Seatter, Sandwick realising £1890 purchased by Donaldsons.
South Seatter,Sandwick 590 £1,840 312 CHAR
Hyval,Sandwick 605 £1,815 300 CHAR
Norton,Dounby 625 £1,812 290 CHAR
Prime Steers topped at 298 p/kg for a Saler scaling 625 kilos from G & M Spence, Hyval, Sandwick realising £1862 purchased by E Flett.
In Calf Heifers averaged £2120 and topped at £2550 for a Shorthorn from I & I Brown, Millbrae, Sanday.
Millbrae,Sanday £2,300 SH
Millbrae,Sanday £2,100 SH
Millbrae,Sanday £2,000 LIN RED
In Calf Cows averaged £1410 and topped at £1950 for a Limousin Cow from B W Bews, Muckle Crofty, Tankerness.
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness £1,900 AA
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness £1,850 SH
Skaill, Orphir £1,700 AA
Upper Braebuster,Deerness £1,500 LIM
Cows with Calves at foot averaged £1675 and topped at £1900 for an Aberdeen Angus Cow with Limousin Calf from B W Bews, Muckle Crofty, Tankerness.
Breeding Bulls topped at £1750 for a Limousin from B W Bews, Muckle Crofty, Tankerness.
Steer Calves averaged 347 p/kg (+33.1p)
Steer Calves averaged £1257 (+£56)
Steer Calves topped at 441.3 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 315 kilos from Appietown Farms, Rendall realising £1390.
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 261 £1,070 410 LIM
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 293 £1,190 406.1 LIM
Braeside,Orphir 326 £1,310 401.8 CHAR
Braeside,Orphir 307 £1,160 377.9 CHAR
Breckan,Evie 301 £1,180 392 LIM
Breckan,Evie 395 £1,460 369.6 LIM
Appietown,Rendall 316 £1,220 386.1 LIM
Appietown,Rendall 322 £1,230 382 CHAR
Appietown,Rendall 323 £1,230 380.8 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 341 £1,300 381.2 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 325 £1,220 375.4 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 331 £1,240 374.6 CHAR
Sebay,Tankerness 425 £1,600 376 LIM
Millburn,Harray 296 £1,100 371.6 SIM
Millburn,Harray 325 £1,180 363.1 SIM
Millburn,Harray 365 £1,300 356.2 SIM
Lower Bu,Holm 387 £1,430 369.5 BB
Lower Bu,Holm 390 £1,390 356.4 BB
Rosebank,Deerness 335 £1,210 361.2 CHAR
Dalvenna,St Ola 405 £1,460 360.5 LIM
Floss,Westray 315 £1,120 355.6 CHAR
Floss,Westray 400 £1,350 337.5 CHAR
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 340 £1,170 344.1 SIM
Biggings,Stenness 378 £1,300 343.9 CHAR
Biggings,Stenness 410 £1,405 342.7 CHAR
Westshore,Rendall 345 £1,180 342 SIM
Westshore,Rendall 330 £1,120 339.4 SIM
Netherfiold,Westray 405 £1,370 338.3 CHAR
Netherfiold,Westray 392 £1,300 331.6 CHAR
Heatherlea,Toab 305 £1,000 328 BB
Mizpah,St Ola 340 £1,110 326.5 SIM
Crook,Birsay 483 £1,530 316.8 CHAR
Crook,Birsay 462 £1,460 316 CHAR
Burgar,Hoy 415 £1,300 313.3 SIM
Burgar,Hoy 417 £1,290 309.4 SIM
Swartland,Dounby 457 £1,420 310.7 AA
Swartland,Dounby 447 £1,370 306.5 SIM
Skiddy,Rendall 480 £1,440 300 AA
Top price per head was £1600 for a Limousin scaling 425 kilos from B Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness.
Braeside,Orphir 480 £1,570 CHAR
Braeside,Orphir 485 £1,550 CHAR
Crook,Birsay 483 £1,530 CHAR
Breckan,Evie 395 £1,460 LIM
Dalvenna,St Ola 405 £1,460 LIM
Burgar,Hoy 525 £1,440 SIM
Skiddy,Rendall 480 £1,440 AA
Lower Bu,Holm 387 £1,430 BB
Lower Bu,Holm 390 £1,390 BB
Swartland,Dounby 457 £1,420 AA
Swartland,Dounby 447 £1,370 SIM
Netherfiold,Westray 445 £1,410 CHAR
Biggings,Stenness 410 £1,405 CHAR
Appietown,Rendall 397 £1,400 LIM
Appietown,Rendall 315 £1,390 LIM
Mizpah,St Ola 452 £1,390 SIM
Floss,Westray 400 £1,350 CHAR
Upper Braebuster,Deerness 316 £1,350 CHAR
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 390 £1,300 LIM
Skaill,Westray 341 £1,300 CHAR
Millburn,Harray 372 £1,300 SIM
Millburn,Harray 365 £1,300 SIM
Rosebank,Deerness 335 £1,210 CHAR
Westshore,Rendall 345 £1,180 SIM
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 340 £1,170 SIM
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 377 £1,170 SIM
Heatherlea,Toab 410 £1,100 BB
Heifer Calves averaged 332.7 p/kg (+19.9p)
Heifer Calves averaged £1150 (+£92)
Heifer Calves topped at 426 p/kg for a Limusin scaling 465 kilos from B Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness realising the top price per head of £1980.
Upper Braebuster,Deerness 298 £1,230 412.8 CHAR
Breckan,Evie 347 £1,320 380.4 LIM
Breckan,Evie 370 £1,400 378.4 LIM
Skaill,Westray 300 £1,110 370 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 312 £1,130 362.2 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 335 £1,210 361.2 CHAR
Lower Bu,Holm 360 £1,320 366.7 BB
Dalvenna,St Ola 380 £1,380 363.2 LIM
Braeside,Orphir 291 £1,040 357.4 SIM
Braeside,Orphir 316 £1,100 348.1 CHAR
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 306 £1,090 356.2 LIM
Heatherlea,Toab 300 £1,000 333.3 BB
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 322 £1,110 345 SIM
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 336 £1,120 333.3 SIM
Appietown,Rendall 320 £1,050 328.1 CHAR
Appietown,Rendall 350 £1,100 314.3 CHAR
Floss,Westray 305 £960 314.8 CHAR
Floss,Westray 330 £1,000 303 CHAR
Skiddy,Rendall 340 £1,060 311.8 AA
Crook,Birsay 480 £1,450 302.1 CHAR
Crook,Birsay 522 £1,570 300.8 CHAR
Netherfiold,Westray 400 £1,190 297.5 CHAR
Netherfiold,Westray 372 £1,100 295.7 CHAR
Upper Berryhill,St Ola 375 £1,000 266.7 SIM
Crook,Birsay 480 £1,450 CHAR
Breckan,Evie 370 £1,400 LIM
Dalvenna,St Ola 380 £1,380 LIM
Braeside,Orphir 430 £1,380 CHAR
Lower Bu,Holm 360 £1,320 BB
Upper Braebuster,Deerness 298 £1,230 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 335 £1,210 CHAR
Skaill,Westray 340 £1,200 CHAR
Rosebank,Deerness 380 £1,200 CHAR
Netherfiold,Westray 400 £1,190 CHAR
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 336 £1,120 SIM
South Flaws,South Ronaldsay 322 £1,110 SIM
Appietown,Rendall 382 £1,100 CHAR
Appietown,Rendall 350 £1,100 CHAR
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 306 £1,090 LIM
Floss,Westray 365 £1,060 CHAR
Heatherlea,Toab 375 £1,060 BB
Skiddy,Rendall 340 £1,060 AA
Upper Berryhill,St Ola 375 £1,000 SIM
Store Steers averaged 301.4 p/kg (+12.7p on the year)
AA Steers averaged 290.9 p/kg (+25.2p on the year)
Store Steers topped at 354.6 p/kg for a Limousin scaling 485 kilos from Bimbister Partnership, Lenahowe, Sandwick realising £1720.
Lenahowe,Sandwick 455 £1,600 351.6 BB
Upper Linklater,Twatt 483 £1,580 327.1 LIM
Quholmslie,Stromness 560 £1,800 321.4 AA
Hermisgarth,Sanday 485 £1,550 320 CHAR
Hermisgarth,Sanday 485 £1,550 319.6 CHAR
Hermisgarth,Sanday 545 £1,735 318.3 SIM
Huip,Stronsay 516 £1,650 319.8 CHAR
Colligarth,Sanday 508 £1,615 318 LIM
Colligarth,Sanday 535 £1,665 311.2 CHAR
Barns Of Ayre,Deerness 480 £1,525 317.7 CHAR
Barns Of Ayre,Deerness 503 £1,580 314.1 LIM
Newhouse,Swannay 505 £1,600 316.8 LIM
Newhouse,Swannay 545 £1,680 308.3 CHAR
Eastabist,Dounby 502 £1,570 312.7 CHAR
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 593 £1,845 311.1 CHAR
Vedder,Tankerness 495 £1,535 310.1 LIM
West Brough,Sanday 605 £1,870 309.1 CHAR
Briarlea,Stronsay 450 £1,390 308.9 AA
Hammer,Westray 601 £1,850 307.8 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 615 £1,875 304.9 CHAR
Hunton,Stronsay 481 £1,480 307.7 LIM
Netherskaill,Birsay 562 £1,725 306.9 CHAR
Netherskaill,Birsay 600 £1,825 304.2 SIM
Hallbreck,South Ronaldsay 580 £1,775 306 AA
Braeland,South Ronaldsay 597 £1,820 304.9 LIM
Braeland,South Ronaldsay 565 £1,720 304.4 AA
Crook,Birsay 605 £1,840 304.1 CHAR
Millbrae,Sanday 605 £1,840 304.1 CHAR
Millbrae,Sanday 570 £1,725 302.6 CHAR
Millbrae,Sanday 575 £1,725 300 LIN RED
Eastside,Twatt 505 £1,530 303 SAL
Warthill,Holm 608 £1,825 300.2 AA
Dale,Stronsay 485 £1,390 286.6 LIM
Haybrake,Lyness 505 £1,380 273.3 AA
Little Wards,Longhope 441 £1,290 292.5 SIM
Langskaill,Westray 387 £1,110 286.8 AA
Innister,Rousay 455 £1,230 270.3 OTH
Pickletillum,Deerness 560 £1,500 267.9 SIM
Eastbank,Stronsay 580 £1,520 262.1 AA
Store Steers averaged £1614 (+£127 on the year)
AA Steers averaged £1594 (+£101 on the year)
Store Steers topped at £1980 for an Aberdeen Angus scaling 710 kilos from R & M Thomson, Halcro, South Ronaldsay.
Warthill,Holm 680 £1,920 AA
Hallbreck,South Ronaldsay 690 £1,885 SIM
Hallbreck,South Ronaldsay 660 £1,870 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 615 £1,875 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 601 £1,850 CHAR
West Brough,Sanday 605 £1,870 CHAR
Millbrae,Sanday 662 £1,865 LIN RED
Millbrae,Sanday 660 £1,860 LIN RED
Millbrae,Sanday 605 £1,840 CHAR
Netherskaill,Birsay 655 £1,860 BB
Netherskaill,Birsay 600 £1,825 SIM
Braeland,South Ronaldsay 625 £1,850 AA
Braeland,South Ronaldsay 597 £1,820 CHAR
Upper Linklater,Twatt 605 £1,845 LIM
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 593 £1,845 CHAR
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 625 £1,840 AA
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 625 £1,830 AA
Crook,Birsay 605 £1,840 CHAR
Crook,Birsay 615 £1,820 CHAR
Hermisgarth,Sanday 605 £1,825 AA
Hermisgarth,Sanday 595 £1,805 SAL
Quholmslie,Stromness 580 £1,815 AA
Quholmslie,Stromness 560 £1,800 AA
Barns Of Ayre,Deerness 595 £1,805 CHAR
Barns Of Ayre,Deerness 580 £1,780 LIM
Haybrake,Lyness 660 £1,780 AA
Lenahowe,Sandwick 485 £1,720 LIM
Huip,Stronsay 565 £1,715 CHAR
Newhouse,Swannay 545 £1,680 CHAR
Colligarth,Sanday 535 £1,665 CHAR
Colligarth,Sanday 508 £1,615 LIM
Briarlea,Stronsay 535 £1,600 AA
Eastabist,Dounby 502 £1,570 CHAR
Vedder,Tankerness 495 £1,535 LIM
Eastside,Twatt 505 £1,530 SAL
Eastbank,Stronsay 580 £1,520 AA
Dale,Stronsay 565 £1,510 SIM
Pickletillum,Deerness 560 £1,500 SIM
Hunton,Stronsay 481 £1,480 LIM
Little Wards,Longhope 485 £1,380 AA
Innister,Rousay 535 £1,280 OTH
Langskaill,Westray 387 £1,110 AA
Store Heifers averaged 296.5 p/kg (15.9p on the year)
AA Heifers averaged 279.2 p/kg (+21.2p on the year)
Store Heifers topped at 338.8 p/kg for a British Blue scaling 490 kilos from Bimbister Partnership, Lenahowe, Sandwick realising £1660.
Colligarth,Sanday 486 £1,570 323 CHAR
Howan,Dounby 487 £1,570 322.4 AA
West Brough,Sanday 548 £1,745 318.4 CHAR
West Brough,Sanday 506 £1,600 316.2 SAL
West Brough,Sanday 519 £1,640 316 CHAR
Upper Linklater,Twatt 487 £1,550 318.3 LIM
Upper Linklater,Twatt 531 £1,670 314.5 LIM
Grutha,South Ronaldsay 480 £1,520 316.7 BLND
Grutha,South Ronaldsay 460 £1,440 313 BLND
Rosebank,Deerness 380 £1,200 315.8 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 520 £1,640 315.4 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 550 £1,695 308.2 LIM
Hunton,Stronsay 560 £1,740 310.7 LIM
Hunton,Stronsay 540 £1,675 310.2 SIM
Rennibister,Kirkwall 463 £1,430 308.9 BB
Eastabist,Dounby 520 £1,600 307.7 SAL
Netherskaill,Birsay 555 £1,685 303.6 CHAR
Netherskaill,Birsay 570 £1,720 301.8 BB
Elsness,Sanday 492 £1,485 301.8 AA
Newhouse,Swannay 520 £1,565 301 LIM
Hermisgarth,Sanday 540 £1,600 296.3 CHAR
Hermisgarth,Sanday 530 £1,540 290.6 LIM
Ballgreen,South Ronaldsay 375 £1,110 296 LIM
Dale,Stronsay 505 £1,480 293.1 LIM
Eastside,Twatt 505 £1,480 293.1 SAL
Sandside,Graemsay 550 £1,590 289.1 AA
Vedder,Tankerness 485 £1,390 286.6 LIM
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 597 £1,700 284.8 AA
Howequoy,Holm 570 £1,600 280.7 SIM
Crook,Birsay 620 £1,730 279 CHAR
Millfield,Stronsay 535 £1,490 278.5 LIM
Langskaill,Westray 520 £1,400 269.2 AA
Briarlea,Stronsay 480 £1,280 266.7 AA
Westshore,Rendall 480 £1,260 262.5 SIM
Innister,Rousay 575 £1,500 260 SH
Pickletillum,Deerness 545 £1,200 220.2 SIM
Store Heifers averaged £1509 (+£130 on the year)
AA Heifers averaged £1375 (+£203 on the year)
Store Heifers topped at £1760 for an Aberdeen Angus scaling 660 kilos from R J F & J M Seatter, Elsness, Sanday.
West Brough,Sanday 548 £1,745 CHAR
West Brough,Sanday 578 £1,740 CHAR
Hunton,Stronsay 560 £1,740 LIM
Crook,Birsay 620 £1,730 CHAR
Upper Linklater,Twatt 565 £1,730 LIM
Upper Linklater,Twatt 531 £1,670 LIM
Netherskaill,Birsay 570 £1,720 BB
Netherskaill,Birsay 555 £1,685 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 575 £1,705 CHAR
Hammer,Westray 550 £1,695 LIM
Halcro,South Ronaldsay 597 £1,700 AA
Lenahowe,Sandwick 490 £1,660 BB
Howequoy,Holm 630 £1,620 AA
Howequoy,Holm 570 £1,600 SIM
Hermisgarth,Sanday 572 £1,615 SAL
Hermisgarth,Sanday 540 £1,600 CHAR
Eastabist,Dounby 520 £1,600 SAL
Eastabist,Dounby 565 £1,560 CHAR
Sandside,Graemsay 550 £1,590 AA
Colligarth,Sanday 486 £1,570 CHAR
Colligarth,Sanday 495 £1,540 AA
Howan,Dounby 487 £1,570 AA
Howan,Dounby 540 £1,540 AA
Newhouse,Swannay 520 £1,565 LIM
Elsness,Sanday 552 £1,550 AA
Elsness,Sanday 517 £1,530 AA
Grutha,South Ronaldsay 480 £1,520 BLND
Grutha,South Ronaldsay 510 £1,500 SIM
Rennibister,Kirkwall 531 £1,510 AA
Innister,Rousay 575 £1,500 SH
Eastside,Twatt 505 £1,480 SAL
Millfield,Stronsay 535 £1,490 LIM
Dale,Stronsay 505 £1,480 LIM
Langskaill,Westray 520 £1,400 AA
Vedder,Tankerness 485 £1,390 LIM
Briarlea,Stronsay 480 £1,280 AA
Westshore,Rendall 480 £1,260 SIM
Pickletillum,Deerness 545 £1,200 SIM
Ballgreen,South Ronaldsay 375 £1,110 CHAR
OTM Cattle topped at 255.2 p/kg for a British Blue scaling 525 kilos from K Watson, Rennibister, Kirkwall realising £1340.
Langskaill,Westray 495 £1,190 240.4 AA
Biggings,Stenness 690 £1,390 201.4 BB
Biggings,Stenness 720 £1,340 186.1 LIM
Hanover,Sanday 815 £1,640 201.2 AA
Hanover,Sanday 650 £1,240 190.8 SAL
Hanover,Sanday 750 £1,360 181.3 LIM
Copenageo,Tankerness 915 £1,800 196.7 AA
Honeysgoe,South Ronaldsay 750 £1,390 185 AA
Honeysgoe,South Ronaldsay 695 £1,260 181.3 AA
Whitehow,Papa Westray 820 £1,480 180.5 AA
Whitehow,Papa Westray 780 £1,300 166.7 AA
Dale,Stronsay 735 £1,300 176.9 SIM
St Clair,Holm 815 £1,440 176.7 SH
St Clair,Holm 780 £1,360 174.4 SIM
St Clair,Holm 885 £1,500 169.5 AA
Muckle Crofty,Tankerness 750 £1,320 176 LIM
Stank,Stromness 785 £1,360 173.2 SIM
Innister,Rousay 830 £1,400 168.7 SH
Midhouse,Harray 685 £980 143.1 AA
Top Price per head was £1800 for an Aberdeen Angus Cow scaling 915 kilos from M Walker, Copenageo, Tankerness.
St Clair,Holm 965 £1,640 169.9 LIM
Westshore,Rendall 1120 £1,700 151.8 AA
Scuan, Stenness 1070 £1,480 138.3 OTH