Forward on Tuesday were 793 Prime Lambs, 1289 Store Lambs & 196 Cast Sheep.
Prime Lambs averaged 221 p/kg (-5.9p)
SQQ Lambs averaged 223 p/kg (-4.3p)
Lambs per head averaged £104.83 (- £1.41)
Prime Lambs topped at 258.6 p/kg for a Texel scaling 35 kilos from D Groundwater, Hyval Cottage, Dounby realising £90.50.
Frustigarth,Shapinsay 40 £96.50 241.3 TEXFrustigarth,Shapinsay 42 £97 231 TEXInkerman,Sanday 45 £105 233.3 TEXInkerman,Sanday 41 £92.50 225.6 TEXBreck,Orphir,Stromness, 44 £102.50 233 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 49 £113 230.6 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 46.5 £107 230.1 BELTEXWillowvale,Stromness 46 £106 230.4 TEXWillowvale,Stromness 45 £103 228.9 TEXQuoykea,Toab 45 £103.50 230 TEXQuoykea,Toab 46 £104 226.1 TEXUpper Scapa,St Ola 48.5 £111.50 229.9 TEXEast Howe,Birsay 47 £107.50 228.7 TEXEast Howe,Birsay 47.5 £108.50 228.4 TEXEast Howe,Birsay 49 £111.50 227.6 TEXHyval Cottage,Dounby 46 £105 228.3 TEXBryameadow,Twatt 50.5 £115 227.7 BELTEXHolland,Firth 47 £107 227.7 CHARHolland,Firth 47 £106.50 226.6 TEXBranstane,Westray 48 £109 227.1 BLACKBranstane,Westray 50 £112 224 TEXQuoymorhouse,Shapinsay 52 £118 226.9 BELTEXQuoymorhouse,Shapinsay 52 £117 225 BELTEXOdiness,Stronsay 48.5 £110 226.8 TEXOdiness,Stronsay 46 £103 223.9 TEXOdiness,Stronsay 48.5 £108.50 223.7 TEXGrind,Stronsay 43 £97.50 226.7 TEXLochside,Westray 43 £97.50 226.7 BELTEXLochside,Westray 49 £110.50 225.5 TEXWestersands,Deerness 42 £95 226.2 WHITEWestersands,Deerness 43 £95 220.9 TEXBreck,Stronsay 48 £108.50 226 TEXRowland,Holm 50 £113 226 TEXRowland,Holm 49 £110 224.5 TEXVestrafiold,Sandwick 49 £110.50 225.5 TEXVestrafiold,Sandwick 45.5 £101 222 SUFOrphir House,Orphir 47.5 £107 225.3 TEXOrphir House,Orphir 43.5 £97.50 224.1 TEXOrphir House,Orphir 48 £107.50 224 TEXBlinkbonny,Stronsay 41 £92.50 225.6 TEXBlinkbonny,Stronsay 43.5 £97 223 TEXFea,St Ola 50 £112.50 225 TEXNorton,Dounby 48 £108 225 TEXNorton,Dounby 47.5 £106 223.2 CHEVRedland,Firth 45 £101 224.4 WHITEAnnster,South Ronaldsay 46 £103 223.9 WHITEAnnster,South Ronaldsay 45 £99.50 221.1 WHITECastle,Stromness 45 £100.50 223.3 TEXFersness,Eday 43 £96 223.3 TEXBackakelday,Holm 50 £111.50 223 CHEVBackakelday,Holm 50 £110 220 BELTEXOaklea,St Ola 50 £111.50 223 TEXOaklea,St Ola 49 £109 222.4 TEXUpperfield,St Ola 50 £111 222 TEXUpperfield,St Ola 50 £108.50 217 TEXMillburn,Harray 48 £106.50 221.9 TEXMillburn,Harray 45 £99 220 TEXEast Langamay,Sanday 46 £102 221.7 TEXEast Langamay,Sanday 42 £92.50 220.2 TEXHowe,Harray 44 £97.50 221.6 TEXHowe,Harray 45 £99.50 221.1 TEXHowe,Harray 45.5 £100.50 220.9 TEXLaithe,Sandwick 47 £104 221.3 TEXLaithe,Sandwick 46 £101.50 220.7 CHEVMyers,South Ronaldsay 45 £99.50 221.1 BLACKMyers,South Ronaldsay 44 £96.50 219.3 WHITEHobbister,Orphir 41 £90.50 220.7 LLEYNHobbister,Orphir 42 £92.50 220.2 SUFCott,Rendall 51 £112.50 220.6 TEXCott,Rendall 49 £108 220.4 CHEVBenlaw,Evie 50 £110 220 CHARQuoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 43 £94 218.6 BLACKQuoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 52 £112.50 216.3 BLACKBraeside,Orphir 50 £109 218 CHEVFeolquoy,Stromness 52 £113 217.3 TEXClifton,Westray 41.5 £90 216.9 SUFAppiehouse,Stenness 52 £112 215.4 CHARMoan,Harray 51 £109.50 214.7 TEXKevaday,Rousay 53 £113.50 214.2 TEXHermisgarth,Sanday 55 £115 209.1 TEX
Top price per head was £118 for 4 Beltex scaling 52 kilos from T & J Leslie, Quoymorhouse, Shapinsay.
Bryameadow,Twatt 54 £117 BELTEX Bryameadow,Twatt 50.5 £115 BELTEX Bryameadow,Twatt 54 £114 BELTEX Quoymorhouse,Shapinsay 52 £117 BELTEX Quoymorhouse,Shapinsay 52.5 £114 BELTEX Breck,Orphir,Stromness, 54 £116 TEX Fea,St Ola 54 £115.50 BELTEX Fea,St Ola 53 £113 TEX Frustigarth,Shapinsay 53 £115
Hermisgarth,Sanday 55 £115 TEX Feolquoy,Stromness 56 £115 TEX Feolquoy,Stromness 55 £113 SUF Kevaday,Rousay 53 £113.50 TEX Rowland,Holm 52 £113 TEX Rowland,Holm 50 £113 TEX Withaquoy,Holm 49 £113 TEX Moan,Harray 56 £112.50 TEX Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 52 £112.50 BLACK Cott,Rendall 51 £112.50 TEX Millburn,Harray 54 £112 BLACK Redland,Firth 55 £112 TEX Branstane,Westray 50 £112 TEX Branstane,Westray 51 £111.50 BLACK Appiehouse,Stenness 52 £112 CHAR Appiehouse,Stenness 55 £110 CHAR Upper Scapa,St Ola 48.5 £111.50 TEX East Howe,Birsay 49 £111.50 TEX Oaklea,St Ola 50 £111.50 TEX Backakelday,Holm 50 £111.50 CHEV Backakelday,Holm 50 £110 BELTEX Lochside,Westray 53 £111.50 SUF Lochside,Westray 49 £110.50 TEX Upperfield,St Ola 50 £111 TEX Odiness,Stronsay 50 £111 TEX Odiness,Stronsay 48.5 £110 TEX Vestrafiold,Sandwick 49 £110.50 TEX Benlaw,Evie 50 £110 CHAR Norton,Dounby 53 £109.50 BELTEX Norton,Dounby 51 £109.50 TEX Withaquoy,Holm 48 £109.50 TEX Braeside,Orphir 52 £109 CHEV Braeside,Orphir 50 £109 CHEV Breck,Stronsay 48 £108.50 TEX Holland,Firth 48.5 £107.50 TEX Holland,Firth 47 £107 CHAR Orphir House,Orphir 48 £107.50 TEX Orphir House,Orphir 47.5 £107 TEX Willowvale,Stromness 46 £106 TEX Inkerman,Sanday 45 £105 TEX Hyval Cottage,Dounby 46 £105 TEX Quoykea,Toab 46 £104 TEX Quoykea,Toab 45 £103.50 TEX Laithe,Sandwick 47 £104 TEX Laithe,Sandwick 47 £103.50 TEX Annster,South Ronaldsay 46 £103 WHITE Castle,Stromness 47 £103 TEX East Langamay,Sanday 46 £102 TEX Westersands,Deerness 46 £101 WHITE Howe,Harray 45.5 £100.50 TEX Myers,South Ronaldsay 45 £99.50 BLACK Grind,Stronsay 43 £97.50 TEX Blinkbonny,Stronsay 43.5 £97 TEX Fersness,Eday 43 £96 TEX Hobbister,Orphir 42 £92.50 SUF Clifton,Westray 41.5 £90 SUF
Store Lambs averaged £76.70 (+ £4) and topped at £97.50 for a Texel from K Birket, Annster, South Ronaldsay.
Frustigarth,Shapinsay £96 TEX
Branstane,Westray £96 SUF
Branstane,Westray £93 BLACK
Lochside,Westray £95 CHEV
Standpretty,Evie £92 SUF
Standpretty,Evie £90 TEX
Millburn,Harray £92 TEX
Millburn,Harray £90 TEX
Millburn,Harray £89 TEX
Clifton,Westray £90 SUF
Blinkbonny,Stronsay £90 SUF
Blinkbonny,Stronsay £89 TEX
Orphir House,Orphir £89.50 TEX
Orphir House,Orphir £85.50 TEX
Littlequoy,Burray £88 TEX
Westersands,Deerness £88 TEX
Hall Of Gorn,Holm £87 BELTEX
Hall Of Gorn,Holm £86 BELTEX
Upper Work,St Ola £86 TEX
Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay £85 BLACK
Mousland,Stromness £84 SUF
East Langamay,Sanday £84 TEX
Westshore,Rendall £81 TEX
Appietown,Rendall £80 CHAR
Fersness,Eday £80 CHEV
Fersness,Eday £78.50 CHEV
Faulds,Burray £71 WHITE
Naversdale,Orphir £62 TEX
Netherstove,Sandwick £56 CHEV
Cast Sheep topped at £140 for a Texel Ewe from G & S Sinclair, Moan, Harray.
Norton,Dounby £134 TEX
Norton,Dounby £130 TEX
Norton,Dounby £126 SUF
Norton,Dounby £125 TEX
Breck,Orphir,Stromness, £130 TEX
Clifton,Westray £120 TEX
Clifton,Westray £116 TEX
Kevaday,Rousay £116 TEX
Breck,Orphir,Stromness, £115 TEX
Branstane,Westray £115 TEX
Branstane,Westray £101 TEX
Braeside,Orphir £108 CHAR
Cott,Rendall £96 TEX
Cott,Rendall £88 SUF
Inkerman,Sanday £95 TEX
Upper Scapa,St Ola £95 TEX
Fea,St Ola £94 CHEV
Standpretty,Evie £91 TEX
Howe,Harray £90 TEX
Upper Work,St Ola £88 CHEV
Upperfield,St Ola £88 TEX
Moan,Harray £88 TEX
Moan,Harray £86 TEX
Grutha,South Ronaldsay £86 BLACK
Millburn,Harray £86 ZWAR
Millburn,Harray £80 ZWAR
Midland,Rendall £84 SUF
Midland,Rendall £80 TEX
Laithe,Sandwick £81 CHEV
Laithe,Sandwick £79 CHEV
Castle,Stromness £80 TEX
Avelshay,Rousay £78 TEX
Lochside,Westray £76 TEX
Balaclava,Westray £75 WHITE
Hyval Cottage,Dounby £71 TEX
Mid Stove,Quoyloo £70 MULE
Breck,Stronsay £70 TEX
Kevaday,Rousay £68 TEX
Hottit,South Ronaldsay £61 SUF
Orphir House,Orphir £60 WHITE
Hobbister,Orphir £54 LLEYN
Faulds,Burray £48 BLACK
Netherstove,Sandwick £41 WHITE
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