Forward on Thursday were 269 Breeding Rams.Champion Hill Type Cheviot was Lot 5, a Shearling from Backakelday Farm, Holm.Reserve Champion was Lot 16, a Shearling shown by J & P Thomson, Garth, South Ronaldsay.Cheviot Champion was lot 29, a Shearling shown by L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.Reserve Champion was lot 30, a Shearling shown by L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.Overall Champion and Texel Champion was lot 250, a Ram Lamb shown by R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.Reserve Champion was lot 119, a Shearling shown by L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.Any Other Breed Champion was lot 61, a Blue Texel Ram Lamb shown by R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.Reserve Champion was lot 71, a Dutch Spotted Shearling shown by R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.Suffolk Champion was lot 318, a Shearling shown by J S Baillie & Co, Sebay, Tankerness.Reserve Champion was lot 344, a Ram Lamb shown by G J & S V Heddle, Westfield, Stromness.Hill Type Cheviot Shearlings averaged £684Cheviot Shearlings averaged £492Badger Faced Texel Shearlings averaged £480Beltex Shearlings averaged £440Blue Texel Shearlings averaged £450Charollais Shearlings averaged £320Dutch Spotted Shearlings averaged £700Lleyn Shearlings averaged £506Kerry Hill Shearlings averaged £100Texel Shearlings averaged £1017 (New Record Average)Suffolk Shearlings averaged £759Hill Type Cheviot Shearlings topped at a record price of £1100 from J & P Thomson, Garth, South Ronaldsay.OTHER HILL TYPE SHEARLINGSBackakelday,Holm £1,000Backakelday,Holm £900Backakelday,Holm £800Backakelday,Holm £700Backakelday,Holm £650Garth,South Ronaldsay £900Garth,South Ronaldsay £880Garth,South Ronaldsay £850Garth,South Ronaldsay £800Garth,South Ronaldsay £750Sebay,Tankerness £620Sebay,Tankerness £500Cheviot Shearlings topped at £620 from L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.OTHER CHEVIOT SHEARLINGSNistagar,Harray £550Nistagar,Harray £400Badger Faced Texels topped at £480 from L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.Beltex Shearlings topped at £500 from R W Flaws, Nisthouse, Evie.Blue Texel Shearlings topped at £450 from I & I Brown, Millbrae, Sanday.Charollais Shearlings topped at £320 from S Coghill, Muce, Birsay.Dutch Spotted Shearlings topped at £700 from R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.Kerry Hill Shearlings topped at £100 from K Birket, Annster, South Ronaldsay.Lleyn Shearlings topped at £800 from Laga Farms, Evie.OTHER LLEYN SHEARLINGSLaga,Evie £600Laga,Evie £520Laga,Evie £500Laga,Evie £480Skaill,Sandwick £550Skaill,Sandwick £520Texel Shearlings topped at £1600 from L S Flett & Co, Nistaben, Harray.OTHER TEXEL SHEARLINGSBackakelday,Holm £1,450Aikerness,Evie £1,450Aikerness,Evie £1,350Aikerness,Evie £1,300Aikerness,Evie £1,250Aikerness,Evie £1,200Aikerness,Evie £1,100Muce,Birsay £1,350Muce,Birsay £1,050Skelbister,Orphir £1,300Sebay,Tankerness £1,250Sebay,Tankerness £1,200Sebay,Tankerness £1,100Sebay,Tankerness £1,000The Howe,South Ronaldsay £1,200The Howe,South Ronaldsay £1,000Annster,South Ronaldsay £1,150Brekka,Sandwick £1,100Brekka,Sandwick £1,000Veltigar,Tankerness £1,100Veltigar,Tankerness £1,050Veltigar,Tankerness £1,000Nistagar,Harray £950Nistagar,Harray £750Halley,Deerness £920Halley,Deerness £880Midcot,Rendall £900Midcot,Rendall £750Charleston,Papa Westray £800Charleston,Papa Westray £780Dawn Cottage,Holm £480Little Crofty,Tankerness £380Suffolk Shearlings topped at a new centre record of £1400 from J S Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness.OTHER SUFFOLK SHEARLINGSSebay,Tankerness £1,350Sebay,Tankerness £1,250Sebay,Tankerness £1,200Sebay,Tankerness £1,150Sebay,Tankerness £1,100Sebay,Tankerness £1,000Easthouse,Toab £1100Quoybelloch,Deerness £1,000Quoybelloch,Deerness £750Knockhall,South Ronaldsay £980Knockhall,South Ronaldsay £820Knockhall,South Ronaldsay £800Knockhall,South Ronaldsay £750Knockhall,South Ronaldsay £700Little Wards,Longhope £900Little Wards,Longhope £850Little Wards,Longhope £820Little Wards,Longhope £780Little Wards,Longhope £700Westfield,Stromness £780Cleat,St Ola £700Cleat,St Ola £600The Howe,South Ronaldsay £650Rosehill,Stromness £250Rosehill,Stromness £200Cheviot Ram Lambs averaged £200Blue Texel Ram Lambs averaged £550Charollais Ram Lambs averaged £316Dutch Spotted Ram Lambs averaged £455Texel Ram Lambs averaged £568Suffolk Ram Lambs averaged £558Cheviot Ram Lambs topped at £200 from Vetquoy, Dounby.Blue Texel Ram Lambs topped at £550 from R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.Charollais Ramb Lambs topped at £500 from Ross Wood, North Moa, Rendall.OTHER CHAROLLAIS RAM LAMBSNorth Moa,Rendall £300Muce,Birsay £280Muce,Birsay £250Dutch Spotted Ram Lambs topped at £620 from Ailsa Spence, Halley, Deerness.OTHER DUTCH SPOTTED RAM LAMBSHalley,Deerness £400Nordheim,Kirkwall £400Texel Ram Lambs topped at £1300 for the Overall Champion from R E & R F Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm.OTHER TEXEL RAM LAMBSNistagar,Harray £1,100Nistagar,Harray £780Dawn Cottage,Holm £720Dawn Cottage,Holm £600Dawn Cottage,Holm £500Charleston,Papa Westray £620Skelbister,Orphir £620Skelbister,Orphir £600Skelbister,Orphir £520Skelbister,Orphir £500Henley,Evie £600Henley,Evie £550Midcot,Rendall £520Little Crofty,Tankerness £520Little Crofty,Tankerness £480Halley,Deerness £500Suffolk Ram Lambs topped at a new centre record of £1400 from M Delday, Quoybelloch, Deerness.OTHER SUFFOLK RAM LAMBSQuoybelloch,Deerness £750Quoybelloch,Deerness £720Quoybelloch,Deerness £600Westfield,Stromness £750Westfield,Stromness £620Westfield,Stromness £550Westfield,Stromness £520Claybraes,South Ronaldsay £420Claybraes,South Ronaldsay £400Claybraes,South Ronaldsay £350Easthouse,Toab £380Easthouse,Toab £320
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