Forward on Tuesday were 559 Prime Lambs, 72 Store Lambs & 305 Cast Sheep.
Prime Lambs averaged 219.6 p/kg (-13.1p)
SQQ Lambs averaged 220.9 p/kg (-10.4p)
Lambs per head averaged £105.11 (- £2.76)
Prime Lambs topped at 239.6 p/kg for 4 Beltex scaling 48 kilos from Kierfiold Farms, Sandwick realising £115 purchased by Rendalls.
Vestrafiold,Sandwick 44 £103.50 235.2 TEXLittle Crofty,Tankerness 48 £111.50 232.3 BELTEXLittle Crofty,Tankerness 44 £100.50 228.4 TEXLower Cornquoy,Holm 47 £108.50 230.9 TEXPurtabreck,Toab 38 £87.50 230.3 SPEKPurtabreck,Toab 45 £103.50 230 TEXEastside,Twatt 49 £112.50 229.6 TEXEastside,Twatt 54 £122.50 226.9 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 49.5 £113.50 229.3 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 51 £115.00 225.5 TEXRoadside,St Ola 46 £105.00 228.3 TEXHall Of Gorn,Holm 43.5 £99.00 227.6 BELTEXHall Of Gorn,Holm 39 £87.50 224.4 BELTEXCotland,St Ola 51 £116.00 227.5 TEXNistigar,Westray 44 £100.00 227.3 TEXSouth Seatter,Sandwick 48 £109.00 227.1 CHARBreck,Stronsay 45 £102.00 226.7 TEXGrind,Stronsay 47 £106.50 226.6 TEXGrind,Stronsay 44 £99.00 225 TEXKierfiold,Sandwick 48 £108.50 226 CHARMaesquoy,Harray 46.5 £105.00 225.8 TEXMaesquoy,Harray 47 £104.00 221.3 BL TEXWillowvale,Stromness 46.5 £104.50 224.7 TEXBeafield,Sanday 49 £110.00 224.5 TEXBeafield,Sanday 42.5 £95.00 223.5 WHITEBeafield,Sanday 47 £104.50 222.3 TEXHeima,Dounby 45 £101.00 224.4 CHARHeima,Dounby 43 £95.50 222.1 CHARInkerman,Sanday 48 £107.50 224 TEXInkerman,Sanday 49 £109.00 222.4 TEXRosebank,Twatt 48 £107.50 224 TEXRosebank,Twatt 48 £106.50 221.9 TEXSunnybank,St Margaret’S Hope 44 £98.50 223.9 TEXKierfiold,Sandwick 47 £105.00 223.4 BELTEXKierfiold,Sandwick 46 £102.50 222.8 BELTEXQuanterness,St Ola 48 £107.00 222.9 TEXWestshore,Rendall 47 £104.50 222.3 WHITEBrettovale,Dounby 53 £117.50 221.7 CHARNetherhill,Tankerness 47 £104.00 221.3 TEXEast Howe,Birsay 47 £104.00 221.3 TEXEast Howe,Birsay 50 £110.50 221 TEXThe Knowe,Sanday 47 £104.00 221.3 TEXThe Knowe,Sanday 47 £103.50 220.2 SUFThe Knowe,Sanday 50 £110.00 220 SUFClifton,Westray 49.5 £109.50 221.2 SUFNorthbigging,Dounby 43 £95.00 220.9 TEXNorthbigging,Dounby 47 £103.00 219.1 TEXOdiness,Stronsay 52 £114.50 220.2 TEXOdiness,Stronsay 50 £110.00 220 TEXBackakelday,Holm 50.5 £110.50 218.8 TEXTwatt Farm,Birsay 45 £97.50 216.7 WHITETwatt Farm,Birsay 49.5 £106.50 215.2 WHITEHowe,Stromness 52 £111.00 213.5 TEXHowe,Stromness 45 £96.00 213.3 TEXHowequoy,Holm 50 £108.50 217 TEXSmoogarth,Firth 46 £99.50 216.3 SUFKevaday,Rousay 60 £126.00 210 TEX
Top price per head was £126 for a pair of Texels scaling 60 kilos from A C & M G Marwick, Kevaday, Rousay.
Eastside,Twatt 54 £122.50 TEX Brettovale,Dounby 53 £117.50 CHAR Cotland,St Ola 51 £116 TEX Quanterness,St Ola 53 £116 TEX Withaquoy,Holm 51 £115 TEX Withaquoy,Holm 49.5 £113.50 TEX Kierfiold,Sandwick 48 £115 BELTEX Odiness,Stronsay 52 £114.50 TEX Odiness,Stronsay 51 £112 TEX Inkerman,Sanday 54 £112.50 TEX The Knowe,Sanday 56 £112 SUF The Knowe,Sanday 53 £111 SUF Grind,Stronsay 53 £111.50 TEX Little Crofty,Tankerness 48 £111.50 BELTEX Little Crofty,Tankerness 51 £111 OTHER Howe,Stromness 52 £111 TEX Beafield,Sanday 53 £111 TEX Beafield,Sanday 49 £110 TEX Backakelday,Holm 53 £110.50 TEX Backakelday,Holm 50.5 £110.50 TEX East Howe,Birsay 50 £110.50 TEX Howequoy,Holm 52 £110 TEX Rosebank,Twatt 54 £110 TEX Lower Cornquoy,Holm 52 £110 TEX Lower Cornquoy,Holm 54 £110 CHAR South Seatter,Sandwick 51.5 £109.50 CHAR South Seatter,Sandwick 48 £109 CHAR Clifton,Westray 49.5 £109.50 SUF Sunnybank,St Margaret’S Hope 53 £109.50 TEX Maesquoy,Harray 51 £109.50 TEX Maesquoy,Harray 52 £109 TEX Smoogarth,Firth 50.5 £108.50 SUF Twatt Farm,Birsay 52 £108 WHITE Hall Of Gorn,Holm 49 £108 SUF Westshore,Rendall 50 £107 BLACK Vestrafiold,Sandwick 48.5 £106.50 SUF Roadside,St Ola 46 £105 TEX Willowvale,Stromness 46.5 £104.50 TEX Nistigar,Westray 47 £104 TEX Netherhill,Tankerness 47 £104 TEX Purtabreck,Toab 45 £103.50 TEX Heima,Dounby 47 £103.50 CHAR Northbigging,Dounby 47 £103 TEX Breck,Stronsay 45 £102 TEX Easthouse,Toab 68 £98 SUF
Store Lambs topped at £83.50 for a pen of 15 Texels and a pen of 27 Texels both from A Strang, Nistigar, Westray.
Cast Sheep topped at £180 for a Texel Ewe from Harvey Reid, Howe, Stromness.
Colligarth,Sanday £176 TEX
Flaws,Holm £156 TEX
Odiness,Stronsay £139 TEX
Odiness,Stronsay £117 BELTEX
Quoydandy,St Ola £138 TEX
Quoydandy,St Ola £120 TEX
Maesquoy,Harray £130 TEX
Maesquoy,Harray £110 TEX
Grind,Stronsay £128 TEX
Northbigging,Dounby £128 WHITE
Hall Of Gorn,Holm £120 TEX
Cotland,St Ola £108 TEX
Arwick,Evie £107 ROM
Arwick,Evie £100 LLEYN
Nistigar,Westray £99 TEX
Quanterness,St Ola £98 TEX
Blackhall,St Ola £96 MULE
Blackhall,St Ola £90 TEX
Howe,Stromness £91 LLEYN
Smerquoy,St Ola £87 CHEV
Smoogarth,Firth £87 TEX
Stratheast,Holm £87 MULE
Stratheast,Holm £86 MULE
Purtabreck,Toab £86 TEX
Roadside,St Ola £71 TEX
Seatter,Deerness £49 BLACK
Westshore,Rendall £40 CHEV
Miry Park,Sanday £38 WHITE
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