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Cattle & Sheep Sales

December 19, 2022 at 00:00

Forward on Monday were 4 OTM Cattle, 399 Prime, 303 Store & 25 Cast Sheep.
OTM Cattle sold to 174.2 p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus Cow scaling 930 kilos from Northfield, Burray realising the top price per head £1620.
Prime Lambs averaged 221 p/kg (+1.6p)
SQQ Lambs averaged 223.3 p/kg (+6.3p)
Lambs per head averaged £100.06.
Prime Lambs topped at 234.1 p/kg for 5 Beltex scaling 44 kilos from J I & W N Stout, Whitehall, Stronsay realising £103.
Upperfield,St Ola 45.5 £105 230.8 TEXSerrigar,South Ronaldsay 47 £108 229.8 TEXSerrigar,South Ronaldsay 42 £95 226.2 TEXSerrigar,South Ronaldsay 46 £104 226.1 TEXHuan,Sandwick 50 £114.50 229 TEXHuan,Sandwick 50 £113.50 227 SPEKBraehead,Stromness 45 £103 228.9 TEXBreck,Orphir 48 £109.50 228.1 TEXHolland,Papa Westray 46 £104.50 227.2 TEXWhitehall,Stronsay 45 £102 226.7 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 49 £111 226.5 TEXWithaquoy,Holm 45.5 £102.50 225.3 TEXGrind,Stronsay 40 £90.50 226.3 TEXHowdis Meadow,Rousay 43.5 £98 225.3 TEXCharleston,Papa Westray 42 £94.50 225 TEXCharleston,Papa Westray 43 £96.50 224.4 TEXCharleston,Papa Westray 41.5 £93 224.1 TEXVinkwin,Evie 44 £98 222.7 TEXNether Ouseness,Westray 40 £88.50 221.3 TEXNewhall,Stromness 40 £88.50 221.3 TEXHobbister,Orphir 46 £100 217.4 BLACKHobbister,Orphir 46.5 £100 215.1 LLEYN
Top price per head was £115 for 4 Texels scaling 52 kilos from W S Garson, Huan, Sandwick.
Huan,Sandwick 50 £114.50 TEX Huan,Sandwick 60 £114 TEX Holland,South Ronaldsay 58 £114.50 SUF Holland,South Ronaldsay 56 £113 SUF Withaquoy,Holm 60 £114 BLACK Serrigar,South Ronaldsay 52 £113 TEX Breck,Orphir 48 £109.50 TEX Upperfield,St Ola 45.5 £105 TEX Holland,Papa Westray 46 £104.50 TEX Braehead,Stromness 45 £103 TEX Whitehall,Stronsay 44 £103 BELTEX Whitehall,Stronsay 45 £102 TEX Hobbister,Orphir 49 £103 LLEYN Hobbister,Orphir 48 £102 LLEYN Howdis Meadow,Rousay 43.5 £98 TEX Vinkwin,Evie 44 £98 TEX Charleston,Papa Westray 43 £96.50 TEX Charleston,Papa Westray 43 £96 TEX Newhall,Stromness 44 £93.50 SUF Grind,Stronsay 40 £90.50 TEX
Store Lambs averaged £68.45 (+ £5.76) and topped at £89 for 8 Texels from S & S Barnett, Serrigar, South Ronaldsay.
Vinkwin,Evie £88 TEX
Vinkwin,Evie £81 ZWAR
Howdis Meadow,Rousay £85.50 TEX
Howdis Meadow,Rousay £85 SUF
Howdis Meadow,Rousay £85 TEX
Serrigar,South Ronaldsay £84 TEX
Eastside,Twatt £80 TEX
Newhall,Stromness £79 TEX
Nether Ouseness,Westray £76 TEX
Little Wards,Longhope £67 SUF
Cast Sheep topped at £115 for a Texel Ram from M & A Sinclair, Rosebank, Twatt.


December 19, 2022
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