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September 24

Forward on Tuesday were 450 Prime Lambs, 356 Store Lambs & 191 Cast Sheep.


Prime Lambs averaged 251.2 p/kg (-3.7p)

SQQ Lambs averaged 250.7 p/kg (-7.5p)

Lambs per head averaged £120.51 (-£3.50)


39.1-45.5 kilos averaged 250.7 p/kg (-7.5p)

45.6-52 kilos averaged 253.6 p/kg (-4.2p)

52+ kilos averaged 237.3 p/kg (-5.2p)


Prime Lambs topped at 266.3 p/kg for a Beltex scaling 52 kilos from F & T Moar, Withaquoy, Holm realising £138.50.



Bryameadow,Twatt       50           £132     264        TEX

Biggings,Rendall             44           £115     261.4    TEX

Biggings,Rendall             44           £114     259.1    TEX

Withaquoy,Holm            51           £133     260.8    BELTEX

Withaquoy,Holm            47           £121.50               258.5    DUTCH SP

Vindon,Finstown            44.5       £116     260.7    TEX

St Clair,Holm   50           £129.50               259        TEX

St Clair,Holm   50           £128.50               257        TEX

Little Crofty,Tankerness              48.5       £125     257.7    BELTEX

Little Crofty,Tankerness              47           £121     257.4    BELTEX

Annster,South Ronaldsay           49.5       £127.50               257.6    TEX

Kierfiold,Sandwick        49.5       £127.50               257.6    CHAR

East Howe,Birsay           48           £123.50               257.3    TEX

East Howe,Birsay           43           £110     255.8    OTHER

Whitehall,Stronsay       46.5       £119.50               257        TEX

Whitehall,Stronsay       50           £128.50               257        TEX

Nistigar,Westray             44           £113     256.8    TEX

Nigley,Toab        48           £123     256.3    TEX

Nigley,Toab        47           £119     253.2    TEX

Netherton,Holm             45           £115     255.6    TEX

Netherton,Holm             47.5       £120.50               253.7    TEX

Appieteen,Sandwick    50.5       £129     255.4    TEX

Appieteen,Sandwick    49           £125     255.1    TEX

Howequoy,Holm            47.5       £121     254.7    TEX

Howequoy,Holm            48           £121.50               253.1    TEX

Stratheast,Holm            49           £124.50               254.1    TEX

Stratheast,Holm            47           £118     251.1    TEX

Colligarth,Sanday          50           £127     254        TEX

Colligarth,Sanday          50           £126.50               253        SUF

Clairness,Sandwick     49           £124     253.1    TEX

Clairness,Sandwick     44           £110.50               251.1    TEX

Twatt Farm,Birsay         46           £116     252.2    WHITE

Rosebank,Deerness     45           £113.50               252.2    TEX

Rosebank,Deerness     42.5       £107     251.8    TEX

Netherhill,Tankerness  45           £113.50               252.2    TEX

Netherhill,Tankerness  45           £112.50               250        DUTCH SP

Cat-Muir-Hall,Flotta     44.5       £111.50               250.6    SUF

Myers,South Ronaldsay              49.5       £124     250.5    TEX

Measer,Sanday               44           £110     250        TEX

Oaklea,St Ola   50.5       £125.50               248.5    TEX

Lesliedale,St Ola            44           £109.50               248.9    TEX

Rossdale,Firth 47           £117     248.9    TEX

Westersands,Deerness              44.5       £105.50               237.1    DUTCH SP

Rowland,Holm 59.5       £139     233.6    TEX


39.1-45.5 kilos averaged £109.13 (-£2.48)

45.6-52 kilos averaged £124.44 (-£1.50)

52+ kilos averaged £131.89 (+£0.88)


Prime Lambs topped at £139 for 4 Texels scaling 59.5 kilos from J C Rendall, Rowland, Holm.



Withaquoy,Holm            52           £138.50               BELTEX

Withaquoy,Holm            56           £134     DUTCH SP

Withaquoy,Holm            51           £133     BELTEX

Appieteen,Sandwick    56.5       £132.50               TEX

Bryameadow,Twatt       50           £132     TEX

Colligarth,Sanday          53.5       £132     TEX

Netherton,Holm             55           £132     TEX

Whitehall,Stronsay       53           £131.50               TEX

Rowland,Holm 58.5       £130.50               TEX

St Clair,Holm   51           £130.50               TEX

St Clair,Holm   50           £129.50               TEX

Biggings,Rendall             53           £129.50               TEX

Myers,South Ronaldsay              56           £129     TEX

Annster,South Ronaldsay           49.5       £127.50               TEX

Kierfiold,Sandwick        49.5       £127.50               CHAR

Little Crofty,Tankerness              50           £127     BLEU

Little Crofty,Tankerness              48.5       £125     BELTEX

Oaklea,St Ola   50.5       £125.50               TEX

Stratheast,Holm            49           £124.50               TEX

Clairness,Sandwick     49           £124     TEX

East Howe,Birsay           48           £123.50               TEX

Twatt Farm,Birsay         52           £123.50               CHEV

Nigley,Toab        48           £123     TEX

Howequoy,Holm            48           £121.50               TEX

Howequoy,Holm            47.5       £121     TEX

Rossdale,Firth 47           £117     TEX

Vindon,Finstown            44.5       £116     TEX

Rosebank,Deerness     45           £113.50               TEX

Netherhill,Tankerness  45           £113.50               TEX

Nistigar,Westray             44           £113     TEX

Cat-Muir-Hall,Flotta     44.5       £111.50               SUF

Lesliedale,St Ola            44           £109.50               TEX

Westersands,Deerness              44.5       £105.50               DUTCH SP


Store Lambs averaged £76.22 (-£9.55)


Store Lambs topped at £95.50 for 3 Speckled Lambs from A Garriock, Clairness, Sandwick and for 5 Texels from S Smith, Lesliedale, St Ola.



Nistigar,Westray             £94        TEX

Westersands,Deerness              £90        TEX

Westersands,Deerness              £85        TEX

Westersands,Deerness              £85        BLACK

Hall Of Gorn,Holm        £87.50 BELTEX

Hall Of Gorn,Holm        £85        BELTEX

Lesliedale,St Ola            £87        TEX

Eildon,Toab        £84        TEX

Twatt Farm,Birsay         £84        LLE

Upper Work,St Ola         £83        LLE

Rosebank,Deerness     £81        TEX

Skaill,Orphir     £80        TEX

Rossdale,Firth £80        TEX

Measer,Sanday               £79        LLE

Hottit,South Ronaldsay              £71        TEX

Trumland,Rousay           £65        ROM


Cast Sheep topped at £200 for a Texel Ewe from Scott, Nigley, Toab and for a Texel Ewe from Colligarth Farms, Sanday.



Colligarth,Sanday          £180     TEX

Whitehall,Stronsay       £176     CHAR

Biggings,Rendall             £162     TEX

Biggings,Rendall             £140     BLUE

Nigley,Toab        £146     TEX

Nigley,Toab        £132     TEX

Westburnside,Tankerness          £144     TEX

Westburnside,Tankerness          £120     TEX

Lopness,Sanday             £138     TEX

Lopness,Sanday             £126     TEX

Lopness,Sanday             £120     TEX

St Clair,Holm   £136     TEX

Eildon,Toab        £136     TEX

Little Crofty,Tankerness              £136     TEX

Standpretty,Evie             £124     TEX

Lower Bu,Holm               £120     MULE

Bryameadow,Twatt       £114     BLUE

Sunnybank,St Margaret’S Hope               £110     CHAR

Clairness,Sandwick     £110     TEX

Clairness,Sandwick     £108     TEX

Clairness,Sandwick     £100     TEX

Nistigar,Westray             £98        TEX

Oaklea,St Ola   £98        TEX

Oaklea,St Ola   £92        OTHER

Innister,Rousay               £96        WHITE

Vindon,Finstown            £94        TEX

Quanterness,St Ola      £90        WHITE

Laithe,Sandwick            £89        CHEV

Measer,Sanday               £88        WHITE

Netherhill,Tankerness  £86        WHITE

Cat-Muir-Hall,Flotta     £72        WHITE

Farrivald,Westray          £70        ZWAR

Westersands,Deerness              £55        TEX


September 24
Event Category: