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All classes of Cattle & Sheep

November 11

Forward on Monday were 6 Prime Cattle & 11 OTM Cattle.


Prime Heifers topped at 319 p/kg for a Charolais scaling 580 kilos from J & R Stanger, South Seatter, Sandwick realising £1850 purchased by Donaldsons and for a Charolais scaling 635 kilos from Laga, Evie realising £2025 purchased by E Flett.



Laga,Evie           610        £1,909 313        LIM

Huan,Sandwick              525        £1,638 312        LIM

Huan,Sandwick              600        £1,866 311        CHAR

South Seatter,Sandwick             565        £1,752 310        CHAR


OTM Cattle topped at 211.3 p/kg for a Simmental Cow scaling 800 kilos from J Stevenson, Midhouse, Evie realising the top price per head of £1690.



Fea,St Ola          660        £1,390 210.6    SIM

Fea,St Ola          685        £1,380 201.5    SIM

Millburn,Harray              780        £1,560 200        SAL

Millburn,Harray              810        £1,560 192.6    SAL

Millburn,Harray              730        £1,400 191.8    SAL

Whitehow,Papa Westray            705        £1,380 195.7    AA

Whitehow,Papa Westray            690        £1,340 194.2    SIM

Nearhouse,Rousay        490        £850     173.5    SH


OTM Bulls topped at £1730 for an Aberdeen Angus scaling 1065 kilos from S Ritch, Sandside, Graemsay.


Following the Cattle were 942 Prime, 1032 Store & 336 Cast Sheep.


Prime Lambs averaged 283.6 p/kg (+19.7p)

SQQ Lambs averaged 286.7 p/kg (+22.1p)

Lambs per head averaged £132.65 (+£10.91)


39.1-45.5 kilos averaged 286.8 p/kg (+22.3p)

45.6-52 kilos averaged 282.6 p/kg (+18.3p)

52+ kilos averaged 275.2 p/kg (+21.5p)


Prime Lambs topped at 323.2 p/kg for a Texel scaling 41 kilos from Maesquoy, Harray realising £132.50.



Gorn,Shapinsay              42           £134.50               320.2    TEX

Maesquoy,Harray          42           £130     309.5    TEX

Maesquoy,Harray          43           £130.50               303.5    BELTEX

East Howe,Birsay           42           £129     307.1    TEX

Lower Velzian,Dounby 45           £138     306.7    TEX

Howan,Dounby               48           £145.50               303.1    TEX

Roadside,St Ola              41           £123.50               301.2    TEX

Withaquoy,Holm            46.5       £140     301.1    TEX

Appiehouse,Stenness  47.5       £142.50               300        TEX

Ness,Shapinsay              42           £125.50               298.8    TEX

Hunton,Stronsay            44           £131     297.7    TEX

Upper Scapa,St Ola      48           £142.50               296.9    TEX

Little Crofty,Tankerness              46.5       £138     296.8    BELTEX

Odiness,Stronsay          43.5       £128.50               295.4    TEX

Odiness,Stronsay          46           £135     293.5    TEX

Norton,Dounby               44           £129.50               294.3    TEX

West Thrave,Sanday     48           £141     293.8    TEX

Nether Ouseness,Westray        44           £128     290.9    TEX

Redland,Stromness      44           £128     290.9    SUF

Biggings,Rendall             46           £133.50               290.2    TEX

Nigley,Toab        47           £136     289.4    TEX

Copenageo,Tankerness               49           £141.50               288.8    TEX

Cloke,Dounby  41.5       £119.50               288        TEX

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          42.5       £122.50               288.2    TEX

Vindon,Finstown            41           £118     287.8    TEX

Biggings,Stenness         46.5       £133.50               287.1    TEX

Rosemount,Sandwick 40           £114.50               286.3    SPEK

Stembister,Toab              50           £143     286        TEX

Virginia,Stenness           50           £143     286        TEX

Lower Cottiscarth,Rendall        44           £125.50               285.2    TEX

Warthill,Holm  50           £142.50               285        TEX

Lower Bu,Holm               46           £131     284.8    TEX

Nigley,Evie        45           £128     284.4    TEX

Nigley,Evie        47           £133.50               284        TEX

Lopness,Sanday             53           £149.50               282.1    TEX

Annster,South Ronaldsay           44           £124     281.8    TEX

Noup,Westray 39           £109.50               280.8    CHEV

Noup,Westray 44           £123.50               280.7    CHEV

South House,Tankerness            48           £134.50               280.2    TEX

Aikerness,Evie 51           £142     278.4    TEX

Millhouse,Deerness      51           £142     278.4    TEX

Millhouse,Deerness      50           £139     278        TEX

Cott,Rendall     40           £111     277.5    TEX

Burgar,Hoy        41           £112     273.2    TEX

Cotland,St Ola 53           £144     271.7    TEX

Lochside,Westray          45           £120     266.7    CHEV

West Brough,Sanday    40           £105     262.5    TEX


39.1-45.5 kilos averaged £123.48 (+£9.56)

45.6-52 kilos averaged £136.94 (+£8.81)

52+ kilos averaged £148 (+£17.29)


Top price per head was £151.50 for 6 Texels scaling 56 kilos from Muir, Gorn, Shapinsay.



Gorn,Shapinsay              53           £150     TEX

Gorn,Shapinsay              50           £149     TEX

Lopness,Sanday             53           £149.50               TEX

Lopness,Sanday             52           £145.50               CHEV

Virginia,Stenness           54           £148.50               TEX

Virginia,Stenness           50           £143     TEX

Warthill,Holm  54           £146     TEX

Warthill,Holm  52           £145     TEX

Cotland,St Ola 55           £146     TEX

Cotland,St Ola 53           £144     TEX

Hunton,Stronsay            52           £145     TEX

Howan,Dounby               48           £145.50               TEX

Stembister,Toab              51           £144.50               TEX

Stembister,Toab              50           £143     TEX

Lower Velzian,Dounby 51           £144     TEX

Roadside,St Ola              50           £144     TEX

Nigley,Evie        53           £144     TEX

South House,Tankerness            53           £143.50               TEX

Nigley,Toab        51           £142.50               TEX

Appiehouse,Stenness  47.5       £142.50               TEX

Withaquoy,Holm            50           £142.50               BLACK

Upper Scapa,St Ola      48           £142.50               TEX

Upper Scapa,St Ola      50           £142     SUF

Aikerness,Evie 51           £142     TEX

Millhouse,Deerness      51           £142     TEX

Copenageo,Tankerness               49           £141.50               TEX

West Thrave,Sanday     48           £141     TEX

Lower Cottiscarth,Rendall        51           £139.50               SUF

Little Crofty,Tankerness              46.5       £138     BELTEX

Little Crofty,Tankerness              50           £138     SPEK

Odiness,Stronsay          47           £136.50               TEX

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          49           £136     TEX

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          48           £135     TEX

Ness,Shapinsay              48           £135.50               TEX

Ness,Shapinsay              47           £134     TEX

Maesquoy,Harray          51           £135     BLACK

Maesquoy,Harray          51           £135     TEX

Biggings,Rendall             46           £133.50               TEX

East Howe,Birsay           45           £133     TEX

East Howe,Birsay           44.5       £132     TEX

Biggings,Stenness         46.5       £133.50               TEX

Redland,Stromness      46           £132.50               TEX

Lower Bu,Holm               46           £131     TEX

Vindon,Finstown            48           £130     TEX

Norton,Dounby               44           £129.50               TEX

Nether Ouseness,Westray        46           £128     TEX

Nether Ouseness,Westray        44           £128     TEX

Netherhill,Tankerness  46           £128     BLACK

Annster,South Ronaldsay           44           £124     TEX

Noup,Westray 44           £123.50               CHEV

Lochside,Westray          45           £120     CHEV

Rosemount,Sandwick 46           £120     SUF

Cloke,Dounby  41.5       £119.50               TEX

Cott,Rendall     42           £115     TEX

Burgar,Hoy        41           £112     TEX

West Brough,Sanday    40           £105     TEX


Store Lambs averaged £82.54


Store Lambs topped at £133 for 3 Texels from S A Seator, Seattersquoy, Stenness.



Biggings,Rendall             £130     BELTEX

Biggings,Rendall             £130     BLUE

Biggings,Rendall             £121     TEX

Burnside,Orphir              £121     TEX

Burnside,Orphir              £119     TEX

Seattersquoy,Stenness               £120     TEX

Seattersquoy,Stenness               £110     SUF

Noup,Westray £117     WHITE

Langskaill,Rousay         £117     TEX

Lower Bu,Holm               £114     SPEK

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          £111     TEX

Standpretty,Evie             £111     TEX

Cloke,Dounby  £110     SUF

Cloke,Dounby  £104     TEX

Lower Cottiscarth,Rendall        £107     SUF

Onziebust,Egilsay          £106     SUF

Cott,Rendall     £101     CHEV

Cott,Rendall     £98        TEX

Burgar,Hoy        £96        TEX

Lochside,Westray          £96        CHEV

Rosemount,Sandwick £93        WHITE

Crook,Rendall  £91        SUF

Crook,Rendall  £91        TEX

Westness,Rousay          £90        CHEV

Purtabreck,Toab              £88        TEX

Lythe,Hoy           £83        CHEV

Maesquoy,Harray          £83        MULE

Orgil,Hoy            £82        CHEV

Naversdale,Orphir         £78        WHITE

Anderswick,Stenness  £72        WHITE

Holland,Firth    £70        WHITE

Gorn,Shapinsay              £64        TEX


Cast Sheep topped at £200 for a Texel Ewe from S & S Barnett, Serrigar, South Ronaldsay.



Copenageo,Tankerness               £178     TEX

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          £178     TEX

Serrigar,South Ronaldsay          £160     CHEV

Virginia,Stenness           £178     TEX

Virginia,Stenness           £150     TEX

Warthill,Holm  £170     CHEV

West Thrave,Sanday     £160     WHITE

East Howe,Birsay           £160     BLACK

Yarpha,Orphir  £160     TEX

Nigley,Evie        £160     WHITE

Biggings,Stenness         £146     TEX

Biggings,Stenness         £144     WHITE

Howan,Dounby               £140     TEX

Skaill,Orphir     £140     TEX

Cloke,Dounby  £140     WHITE

Lythe,Hoy           £140     SUF

Breck Cottage,Birsay    £128     WHITE

Breck Cottage,Birsay    £128     SPEK

Benlaw,Evie      £124     BLACK

Stembister,Toab              £113     WHITE

Twatt Farm,Birsay         £108     WHITE

Ness,Shapinsay              £100     BLACK

South House,Tankerness            £100     TEX

Maesquoy,Harray          £100     TEX

Lower Cottiscarth,Rendall        £96        TEX

Crook,Rendall  £85        WHITE

Anderswick,Stenness  £40        OTHER


November 11
Event Category: