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Sheep Sale

June 12, 2023 at 00:00

Forward on Monday were 373 Prime, Store & Cast Sheep.
Prime New Season Lambs averaged 273.2 p/kg and £153 per head.
New Season Lambs topped at 292.3 p/kg for a Suffolk scaling 52 kilos from A T Rendall, Old Hall, Stromness realising £152 purchased by E Flett.
Top price per head was £154 for a Suffolk scaling 60 kilos from G & S Heddle, Westfield, Stromness purchased by E Flett.
Prime Hoggs averaged 237.2 p/kg (-10p)
SQQ Hoggs averaged 232,3 p/kg (-23.2p)
Hoggs per head averaged £122 (- £4.98)
Prime Hoggs topped at 274.1 p/kg for 3 Texels scaling 54 kilos from D & K Morgan, Bryameadow, Twatt realising £148.
Lenahowe,Sandwick 37 £98 264.9 BLUE Lenahowe,Sandwick 43 £110 255.8 BELTEX Mirkady,Deerness 50 £128 256 SUF Mirkady,Deerness 60 £150 250 SUF Stembister,Toab 52 £129 248.1 SUF Stembister,Toab 48 £116 241.7 TEX Hunton,Stronsay 56 £138 246.4 TEX Hunton,Stronsay 54 £130 240.7 TEX Feolquoy,Stromness 50 £122 244 TEX Midland,Rendall 48 £116 241.7 CHEV Midland,Rendall 50 £120 240 CHEV Bockiehall,Swannay 55 £132 240 TEX Mousland,Stromness 52 £124 238.5 CHEV Mousland,Stromness 47 £110 234 CHEV Old Hall,Stromness 58 £138 237.9 SUF Crudy,Sanday 53 £126 237.7 OTHER Lesliedale,St Ola 45 £106 235.6 CHAR Lesliedale,St Ola 44 £102 231.8 CHAR Vestrafiold,Sandwick 48 £113 235.4 TEX Fea,Orphir 49 £114 232.7 TEX Burgar House,Evie 49 £112 228.6 SUF Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 47 £107 227.7 OTHER Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 55 £122 221.8 OTHER Seatter,Deerness 43 £96 223.3 BLACK Wasbister,South Ronaldsay 39 £86 220.5 SUF Vetquoy,Twatt 60 £130 216.7 CHEV South Fea,Orphir 40 £81 202.5 TEX
Top price per head was £150 for 3 Suffolks scaling 60 kilos from D S Scott, Mirkady, Deerness purchased by E Flett.
Bryameadow,Twatt 54 £148 274.1 TEX Bockiehall,Swannay 65 £148 227.7 TEX Lenahowe,Sandwick 60 £145 241.7 TEX Mirkady,Deerness 60 £145 241.7 SUF Mirkady,Deerness 70 £144 205.7 SUF Mirkady,Deerness 60 £142 236.7 SUF Vetquoy,Twatt 70 £143 204.3 SUF Old Hall,Stromness 58 £138 237.9 SUF Hunton,Stronsay 56 £138 246.4 TEX Hunton,Stronsay 57 £136 238.6 TEX Stembister,Toab 58 £136 234.5 TEX Stembister,Toab 58 £134 231 TEX Crudy,Sanday 53 £126 237.7 OTHER Mousland,Stromness 52 £124 238.5 CHEV Midland,Rendall 54 £124 229.6 SUF Midland,Rendall 50 £120 240 CHEV Feolquoy,Stromness 50 £122 244 TEX Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay 55 £122 221.8 OTHER Vestrafiold,Sandwick 52 £118 226.9 TEX Fea,Orphir 49 £114 232.7 TEX Burgar House,Evie 49 £112 228.6 SUF Lesliedale,St Ola 45 £106 235.6 CHAR Seatter,Deerness 43 £96 223.3 BLACK
Store Hoggs averaged £74.51 and topped at £86 for a Texel from C & N Tait, Willowvale, Stromness.
Stembister,Toab £80 SUF
Wasbister,South Ronaldsay £80 SUF
Wasbister,South Ronaldsay £75 SUF
Burgar House,Evie £74 SUF
Willowvale,Stromness £72 CHAR
Westshore,Rendall £72 TEX
Upper Work,St Ola £70 LLEYN
Leary,Birsay £60 SUF
Vestrafiold,Sandwick £50 TEX
Cast Sheep topped at £188 for a Blue Texel Ewe from Vestrafiold, Sandwick.
Feolquoy,Stromness £184 TEX
Old Hall,Stromness £182 TEX
Old Hall,Stromness £150 TEX
Nordheim,Kirkwall £178 TEX
Nordheim,Kirkwall £144 SUF
Withaquoy,Holm £176 TEX
Withaquoy,Holm £150 TEX
Sunnybank,St Ola £168 TEX
Sunnybank,St Ola £158 TEX
Vestrafiold,Sandwick £166 TEX
Vestrafiold,Sandwick £148 TEX
Avelshay,Rousay £166 CHEV
Avelshay,Rousay £138 CHEV
Vetquoy,Twatt £166 TEX
Vetquoy,Twatt £126 HALF B
Dawn Cottage,Holm £164 TEX
Eastside,Twatt £148 TEX
Burgar House,Evie £140 SUF
Eastaquoy,Harray £128 TEX
Eastaquoy,Harray £113 ZWAR
Swanbister,Orphir £128 CHEV
Swanbister,Orphir £112 SUF
Leary,Birsay £120 CHAR
Leary,Birsay £100 BLACK
Stembister,Toab £110 TEX
Hunton,Stronsay £96 TEX
Seatter,Deerness £96 BLACK
Seatter,Deerness £90 BLACK
Honeysgoe,South Ronaldsay £96 CHEV
Honeysgoe,South Ronaldsay £86 CHEV
Biggings,Stenness £86 TEX
Biggings,Stenness £80 SUF
Westshore,Rendall £82 TEX
Quoyhorsetter,South Ronaldsay £82 WHITE
Upper Work,St Ola £80 LLEYN
Mousland,Stromness £76 CHEV
Willowvale,Stromness £66 CHEV
Hobbister,Orphir £60 LLEYN
South Fea,Orphir £50 WHITE
Crudy,Sanday £49 LLEYN


June 12, 2023
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